Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What's the Church Doing for the Youth?

Don't you just love the ignorance behind this question? This, or questions like, "What happened to our youth group?" are leveled to faithful pastors and faithful congregations these days. As if the Church is to be the parent of these youth and raise them, like the state and federal government are praised for their many "programs" to raise your kids for you.

The bottom line is this: the Church is to be doing what she always has, namely, faithfully preaching and teaching Christ, the Word, and giving the fruits of His sacrificial death through the Sacraments of Baptism, Absolution, and the Supper. These gifts are for all ages, infants and all ages benefiting from Baptism and Absolution, and youth and adults receiving Christ's Body and Blood at Communion. This is what the Church is doing for the youth!

Really, the question ought to be, "What are parents doing for their youth-aged children?" Are they insisting that they join them for Divine Service and Scripture Study? Why segment the youth, when, as teenagers, they want to be considered as adults. So bring them to Scripture Study with the adults! Other than that, have them meet once a month for pizza and an activity, and let them help usher, sing in the choir, and be involved in all the other "adult" peripherals of the congregation's life. Actually, "What happened to families and the head of the house insisting that the youth not be so busy with side jobs, sports, and other activities, that Church falls by the wayside?"

Don't blame the Church, parents, for it's seeming absense in the lives of your youth. No, it doesn't take a village to raise children! It takes parents, father and mother, disciplining these disciples in their baptismal life. That life can only be sustained by the Means of Grace given through the Divine Services of the Lord's House. Youth group is not their life, Christ is, and that life of Christ is what the Church is still giving to the youth.

Pastors, don't let anyone, people or district or synodical "officials," trap you into that question, and level the responsibility upon you and the Church. For, as Christ said of His Church, "The gates of hell shall not prevail against her." Nor some youth gathering...

Northwoods Luther

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